Major Gastrointestinal Disorders & Peritoneal Infections W Mcc - costs for treatment in Illinois

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Major Gastrointestinal Disorders & Peritoneal Infections W Mcc - costs for treatment in Illinois

Hospital City Discharges Avg Covered Charges Avg Total Payment Avg Medicare Payment
Presence Saint Joseph Medical CenterJoliet31$67,214.30$12,191.90$11,608.70
Evanston HospitalEvanston39$39,591.60$13,050.20$11,300.90
Herrin HospitalHerrin13$38,788.50$10,538.10$9,893.15
Blessing HospitalQuincy11$36,171.90$12,568.60$11,241.40
Good Samaritan Regional Hlth CenterMount Vernon13$32,395.90$10,545.80$10,270.20
St Johns HospitalSpringfield11$37,297.20$12,478.00$10,127.70
Palos Community HospitalPalos Heights56$47,057.40$11,125.40$9,774.98
Adventist La Grange Memorial HospitalLa Grange17$49,324.50$12,053.80$11,072.20
Saint Francis Medical CenterPeoria35$55,444.50$11,765.00$11,334.30
The University Of Chicago Medical CenterChicago18$54,446.80$20,852.70$15,999.10
The Carle Foundation HospitalUrbana18$49,997.90$16,800.20$11,362.20
Presence Resurrection Medical CenterChicago13$58,319.30$13,096.80$11,192.50
Rush University Medical CenterChicago28$44,715.80$16,145.90$13,100.70
Hinsdale HospitalHinsdale11$44,370.90$11,794.70$11,134.40
Decatur Memorial HospitalDecatur20$28,831.70$10,760.60$10,237.20
Memorial Medical Center SpringfieldSpringfield19$44,591.50$13,220.60$10,827.10
University Of Illinois HospitalChicago22$48,205.30$25,721.90$21,660.40
Little Company Of Mary HospitalEvergreen Park33$33,779.00$10,943.50$9,544.58
Memorial Hospital BellevilleBelleville14$40,354.90$10,605.20$9,999.50
Ingalls Memorial HospitalHarvey18$38,673.10$11,929.40$11,247.20
Elmhurst Memorial HospitalElmhurst14$63,973.80$10,137.90$9,966.43
Advocate Condell Medical CenterLibertyville23$64,225.30$11,682.00$11,300.10
Advocate Christ Hospital & Medical CenterOak Lawn36$46,737.60$15,129.70$12,768.20
Methodist Medical Center Of IllinoisPeoria13$38,554.20$11,695.50$10,296.20
Silver Cross Hospital And Medical CentersNew Lenox15$30,245.80$11,486.70$10,871.70
Advocate Lutheran General HospitalPark Ridge14$39,333.60$14,050.40$12,435.30
Swedish American HospitalRockford17$54,293.70$15,522.20$10,429.70
Edward HospitalNaperville14$61,126.60$11,211.90$10,914.10
Saint Anthony Medical CenterRockford19$43,719.70$12,309.40$9,151.74
Rockford Memorial HospitalRockford13$29,686.90$11,746.70$11,187.90
Central Dupage HospitalWinfield14$75,231.30$10,640.50$10,208.50
Advocate South Suburban HospitalHazel Crest28$47,296.00$13,412.00$9,830.04
Northwest Community Hospital 1Arlington Heigh15$38,511.90$10,559.70$10,158.70
Alexian Brothers Medical Center 1Elk Grove Villa12$47,519.30$11,549.10$11,098.40
Loyola University Medical CenterMaywood40$44,050.30$17,469.60$15,008.30
Trinity Rock IslandRock Island19$24,046.30$10,415.90$9,782.63
Northwestern Memorial HospitalChicago40$51,991.90$15,469.50$13,256.80
Advocate Good Samaritan HospitalDowners Grove18$50,948.70$10,766.80$10,399.70
St Alexius Medical Center Hoffman EstatesHoffman Estates15$66,688.30$12,488.10$10,705.60
Advocate Good Shepherd HospitalBarrington11$39,462.00$15,308.00$9,380.00
Total 40 hospitals830


Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014

Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.

Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.

Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration

Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.

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