Hospital Costs > Angina Pectoris - costs for treatment
Avg Covered Charges | Avg Total Payments | Avg Medicare Payments | |||||||||
State | # Hosp | # Disch | Min | Avg | Max | Min | Avg | Max | Min | Avg | Max |
Virginia | 1 | 11 | $15,091.40 | $15,091.40 | $15,091.40 | $3,292.91 | $3,292.91 | $3,292.91 | $1,826.82 | $1,826.82 | $1,826.82 |
Michigan | 2 | 23 | $10,153.20 | $11,467.84 | $12,902.00 | $3,890.25 | $4,461.65 | $5,085.00 | $2,504.25 | $2,694.52 | $2,902.09 |
North Carolina | 2 | 24 | $12,802.30 | $13,041.99 | $13,244.80 | $3,582.62 | $3,815.05 | $4,089.73 | $2,523.00 | $2,769.42 | $3,060.64 |
West Virginia | 1 | 11 | $12,570.70 | $12,570.70 | $12,570.70 | $4,166.09 | $4,166.09 | $4,166.09 | $2,980.45 | $2,980.45 | $2,980.45 |
Florida | 14 | 200 | $17,718.20 | $30,224.96 | $50,538.80 | $3,012.67 | $4,225.59 | $7,109.69 | $1,986.36 | $2,980.59 | $5,089.62 |
Tennessee | 1 | 25 | $15,775.60 | $15,775.60 | $15,775.60 | $4,020.60 | $4,020.60 | $4,020.60 | $3,084.48 | $3,084.48 | $3,084.48 |
Pennsylvania | 6 | 94 | $13,190.30 | $21,704.21 | $34,306.10 | $3,498.64 | $4,553.64 | $6,122.38 | $2,581.18 | $3,215.35 | $4,204.69 |
Ohio | 4 | 48 | $9,840.00 | $17,916.64 | $27,596.50 | $3,721.91 | $5,225.79 | $7,449.91 | $2,567.93 | $3,315.98 | $4,999.45 |
Texas | 5 | 79 | $14,483.70 | $23,656.21 | $31,995.00 | $3,522.40 | $4,552.76 | $5,110.21 | $2,243.33 | $3,336.28 | $3,827.55 |
Illinois | 2 | 24 | $12,216.30 | $16,080.66 | $19,350.50 | $3,921.18 | $4,365.87 | $4,742.15 | $2,797.27 | $3,397.42 | $3,905.23 |
Rhode Island | 1 | 12 | $25,425.00 | $25,425.00 | $25,425.00 | $4,662.33 | $4,662.33 | $4,662.33 | $3,547.67 | $3,547.67 | $3,547.67 |
New Jersey | 8 | 113 | $24,080.20 | $33,194.56 | $49,647.90 | $3,459.71 | $4,718.86 | $6,557.29 | $2,458.29 | $3,688.10 | $5,442.41 |
Georgia | 1 | 16 | $18,997.90 | $18,997.90 | $18,997.90 | $4,827.31 | $4,827.31 | $4,827.31 | $3,754.56 | $3,754.56 | $3,754.56 |
Connecticut | 1 | 11 | $12,602.10 | $12,602.10 | $12,602.10 | $5,075.27 | $5,075.27 | $5,075.27 | $4,041.45 | $4,041.45 | $4,041.45 |
California | 9 | 131 | $17,296.10 | $33,176.06 | $53,798.80 | $4,548.00 | $5,590.11 | $7,279.08 | $3,836.47 | $4,665.83 | $6,255.08 |
New York | 9 | 124 | $6,716.82 | $20,531.11 | $39,655.70 | $3,965.55 | $6,911.60 | $14,842.20 | $2,975.18 | $5,413.98 | $12,882.80 |
Washington DC | 3 | 39 | $19,885.70 | $21,876.80 | $23,954.90 | $5,979.18 | $7,623.97 | $9,816.31 | $4,423.00 | $5,612.05 | $6,859.44 |
Maryland | 1 | 15 | $9,614.07 | $9,614.07 | $9,614.07 | $8,875.73 | $8,875.73 | $8,875.73 | $7,911.47 | $7,911.47 | $7,911.47 |
TOTAL US | 71 | 1,000 | $6,716.82 | $24.863,41 | $53,798.80 | $3,012.67 | $5.107,25 | $14,842.20 | $1,826.82 | $3.845,02 | $12,882.80 |
Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014
Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.
Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.
Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration
Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.