Hospital Costs > In Florida > Desoto Memorial Hospital, procedure costs

Desoto Memorial Hospital, procedure costs

900 N Robert Ave, Arcadia, FL 34265,

Procedure Costs @ Desoto Memorial Hospital
Procedure Discharges Avg Covered Charges Avg Total Payment Avg Medicare Payment
Count Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W Cc11150 / 80$19.021,40965 / 25$5.223,361045 / 83$4.341,911041 / 98
Cellulitis W/O Mcc23166 / 74$17.809,001221 / 16$5.621,57723 / 98$4.063,52719 / 73
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Cc14165 / 90$23.932,701379 / 33$6.611,57718 / 115$4.739,07716 / 74
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Mcc29173 / 82$22.444,80936 / 10$7.212,621169 / 88$6.420,341163 / 99
Esophagitis, Gastroent & Misc Digest Disorders W/O Mcc23252 / 112$18.362,901190 / 11$4.911,741359 / 89$4.018,521348 / 107
G.I. Hemorrhage W Cc14204 / 89$19.567,80713 / 5$6.313,711167 / 80$5.538,861165 / 102
Heart Failure & Shock W Cc19259 / 103$23.058,001498 / 43$6.750,631171 / 116$5.417,631168 / 99
Heart Failure & Shock W Mcc31253 / 90$22.419,00562 / 5$9.598,87686 / 108$7.912,65686 / 75
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W/O Mcc12221 / 111$16.220,101109 / 12$5.005,501345 / 91$4.200,171336 / 105
Misc Disorders Of Nutrition,Metabolism,Fluids/Electrolytes W/O Mcc17149 / 76$13.105,20699 / 5$4.745,471312 / 96$3.892,761308 / 100
Pulmonary Edema & Respiratory Failure17186 / 57$33.257,101212 / 34$10.494,60364 / 128$6.170,06364 / 45
Red Blood Cell Disorders W/O Mcc14129 / 67$15.867,60527 / 10$5.292,29689 / 82$4.172,29684 / 73
Renal Failure W Cc30191 / 85$17.843,60764 / 7$6.615,00858 / 108$5.050,23851 / 89
Renal Failure W Mcc34161 / 64$23.182,20374 / 2$9.243,82809 / 75$8.567,12809 / 91
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis W/O Mv 96+ Hours W Mcc23493 / 125$31.053,20832 / 5$10.941,101014 / 69$10.205,101004 / 92
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Cc21182 / 84$25.813,801682 / 37$6.207,191203 / 88$5.227,381199 / 100
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Mcc33172 / 65$34.132,701295 / 23$8.712,701092 / 82$7.978,641092 / 94
Total 17 procedures365discharges


Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014

Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.

Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.

Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration

Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.