Managed care executives involved with Medicare Advantage products should consider the impact of product design and cost sharing on elderly consumers, according to the findings of a recent poll. The
The week of Sept. 21, 2015, saw a flurry of stories about the escalating cost of drugs in the U.S. marketplace. These stories were all initiated by Turing Pharmaceuticals buyout
You’re probably used to the idea of your doctor prescribing you a brand-name drug and your pharmacist automatically substituting a lower-cost generic equivalent that saves you, the drugstore, and your
“How are (federal employees) supposed to maintain their standard of living when costs for essential things like health care keep going up?” said American Federation of Government Employees National President
According to a recent Vitals Index survey, two-thirds of American adults about 155 million people have been surprised by a medical bill in the past 12 months, yet
The transformation in the American healthcare system imposes new and evolving obligations on providers and the rest of the healthcare industry. Healthcare spending continues to outpace inflation leading to a
While generic versions of older drugs now account for 80% of all prescription filled in the US and have saved patients a tremendous amount of money, there are examples from
Two of the most frustrating aspects about being a consumer of the US healthcare system involve trying to find out about how much a particular medical procedure really costs, and
There is a wide variance in health care prices between Northern and Southern California, according to information on a new cost-comparison website launched last week, the Sacramento Bee reports (Buck,