Health plan representatives are always saying that their plans are doing everything they can to control costs and deliver greater value. But the promised cost reductions almost never materialize. The
While liberals often say that their ultimate goal in health care is “Medicare for all,” the current debate over the Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act should show
“…as grandmothers used to say, “Better to pay the grocer than the doctor.” — Michael Pollan Food writer Michael Pollan and countless grandmothers are right: Ideally, we should tend to
President Donald Trump’s budget plans to cut the Children’s Health Insurance Program by at least 20% over the next two fiscal years and slash Medicaid, which covers millions more children.
The number of Americans without health insurance has fallen drastically in recent years, according to new data from the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2016, there were 28.6 million
Should women have to pay more for health insurance than men? That has been a critical question for opponents of Republican health-care reform, and it requires grappling with the
The federal Affordable Care Act includes penalties for large employers that don’t offer quality health insurance coverage. So, passage of the law raised what came to be known as the
Millions of Americans pay a penalty because they don’t have health insurance. Some feel the penalty is cheaper than the insurance, but 7 On Your Side reports why this is
Small business owners who offer health insurance – or who are considering offeringZane Benefits | Could Cancelling Insurance Be a Kindness to Employees? health benefits – have an important question
Whether youre a small business owner or a small business advisor, heres a phrase8 Reasons Health Insurance Costs Continue to Rise we all know too well – health care costs