Medical bills are differentthey can cause serious and long-term financial problems. If you make a credit card purchase, you know how much you’ve spent and what the interest rate will
Ever get a bill from your doctor that you thought should have been covered by insurance? Youre not alone: 7 percent of claims contained errors in 2013, according to the
Here’s the trouble with being sick: It’s a full-time job. It’s the ultimate in the 24/7 work cycle and it often sucks those around the ill into its thrust. When
Have you ever heard the saying anything is negotiable? Indeed, you can negotiate the figures on cars, houses, job offers, insurance ratesthis list goes on. So why not medical bills
State Financial Services Superintendent Ben Lawsky on Monday called on lawmakers to back reforms that would protect patients from getting blindsided by large medical bills in disputes between insurance companies
A recent New York Times article focuses on the humble I.V. saline bag used more than a million times a day in hospitals and emergency departments around the country. This
NN’s Drew Griffin and Time magazine investigate what’s behind the high cost of medical bills in America. They find a family who was charged hundreds of thousands of dollars for
How outrageous pricing and egregious profits are destroying our health care, By Steven Brill Monday
Health insurance plans in Obamacare’s state exchanges will cost less than initially projected, according to a study released Thursday that the administration and its allies said is proof that the